四色眼影Les 4 O mbres#Mystic Eyes 14(迷情雙眸)4.5g NT1,850
(first 2 pics source: iswii.net)
My pics and comments:
Chanel 2009 Spring is going for the 'new Bohemian' look, romantic, laid-back Bohemian style with the Couture influences, earthy toned eyeshadows are meant to match with nude, or sand-red lipsticks, paired with dark ink-purple nails.
There was only 1 limited edition eyeshadow quad release in shade #14 Mystic Eyes.
Packaging- comes with signature velvet cover for the shiny plastic compact (which unfortunately attracts fingerprint):

Comes with plastic separator in the compact and 2 single-ended sponge tip applicators
Suggested application method per the attached pamphlet, though I don't pay too much attention to it given it's more for a Western eye structure.

Back of box & ingredients:
From top left clockwise:
1. Dark cool toned chocolate without red or yellow tones,
2. light creamy champagne vanilla with a tinge of light pink, very clean looking
3. neutral mid-toned brown,
4. silvery light taupe-grey, cool toned.

I think the silvery light taupe-grey on the bottom left corner is the highlight of this palette, the color which really makes you go.."oh yes this is what Chanel is about". It's the rare light taupe with more silvery finish, it's probably a borderline silvery-grey, but I'd call it a light taupe (Even though you'd typicall expect taupe to be somewhere between a grey/brown/purple)- there is no purple base in this color, nor obvious brown tones, it's almost like blending some silver, some grey and some palest brown together. Unfortunately the pigment could still be stronger, I do like how soft this color looks on my eyes though, very feminine.
I suppose the darker color is worth a note too, it's a nice cool chocolate color, I often hate generic dark browns that all look the same, some blend too much red, some are not dark enough, but this is a nice rich dark chocolate to have. The most disappointing shade is the mid-tone brown on the bottom right, seriously, if replaced with a nice dark taupe, or a more metallic steel gray, or even just adding some sparkle in this shade, this would be a much better palette and still within the Bohemian-couture theme. The mid-tone brown almost dumbs down this palette.
Velvty texture, it's more of a finely milled powder with light shimmers, not metallic, but the typical Chanel pigmentation and finish. I do think there are enough pigments inside for sufficient color pay-off, if you expect pigmentation and finish as rich and creamy as Stila eyeshadows, Chanel is probably not the brand to go for. This palette does not have more outstanding pigment than other Chanel quads.
Another swatch shot, I think I applied just 1 or 2 thin layers without trying too hard, consistency is on the thinner side like all Chanel quads.

Admittedly this is a basic palette, a lot people will call it "yet another brown palette", but I think it's unique enough in that it is overally a cool-toned or neutral palette which is wearable even on warm-toned skin (I'm more neutral or warm toned). If you are looking for a go-anywhere match-anything palette for work or everday, or a new addition to your Spring collection, this is a good palette to have. Otherwise overall, not a must-have, but I'm happily keeping it.


1. 冷調的非常深巧克力色 (不帶有紅感或是黃感),蠻特別的,夠深到可當眼線或煙燻色,又不是太鬼打牆的普通深褐,最重要的差別在它是冷色調的.
2. 香檳香草白帶著一點淺粉紅,細膩而均勻的淺打底或打亮色
3. 中等棕色(不偏暖也不偏冷),
4. 銀感的淺灰藕棕色 (最特別的就是這色,真的很有低調奢華的感覺). 說灰棕其實還是偏銀灰,拌進一點淺藕色的感覺. 氣質色啊..
同樣試色, 兩層擦下來還是看起來薄薄的, 窗邊自然日光下閃光照:

整體上來說是盤很萬用的基本盤,實在是溫柔又很有氣質的春色的感覺, 燻的多一點這明明也是盤秋色盤吧.... 右下色是敗筆,換成深褐紫棕,或有點亮的鐵灰, 要不就是讓它更閃爍一點的色澤,質感會多很多, 給這麼普通的棕色不知道是怎樣...
跟其他Chanel之前的四色眼彩盤差不多的發色還有粉體,屬於絲絨光的淡淡亮澤的感覺,上起來是偏薄的感覺 (跟Stila招牌的那種奶油般細膩偏厚實感的顯色粉體以及金屬色澤是不同的), 不過發色偏淡, 最淺色的發色不流於很多日系眼盤中的只有大小不一的亮片淺打底色 ,( Chanel的色澤還夠我平常上班最喜歡擦這種色到整個眼窩, 畫上細細的眼線, 睫毛刷的纖長一點, 加上眼鏡, 眼睛看起來就很乾淨有神 (裝做沒化妝的心機OL妝啊...)) , 有些習慣濃一點顯色的人一定會多少嫌Chanel的眼影不夠顯色.
整體上來說這盤最特別的在於它是冷調的棕藕色系,在每個人都抽屜整堆的棕色盤來說, 有它的特別之處. 有貴婦一點的預算就這個了吧~
=.=......... 新網誌還在調版面,看來有點圖太大, blogspot自動縮圖又縮到好小, 有空再慢慢調啊... 排版也是問題說, 十足的html笨熊.... >.<....
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