
UNT Nail Lacquer LJ040 "Tipsy" polish Swatch/review

UNT is a made in Taiwan brand, that's made a big hit in Taiwan for the past year or so. It's totted to be as good as OPI in color and finishes. Out of curiosity (and reading many other Taiwanese blog reviews and swatches), I've decided to order a few.

I tried on LJ040 "Tipsy" on the weekend:

They are also sold on amazon.com , around 7 or 8USD (yep priced right up there with OPI too).

Personally I think they'd do a lot better if the prices were lowered to about 5USD. On various Taiwan auction sites that's probably how much it goes for.

They are 15ml, same bottle design as OPI, the brushes are not like OPI pro-wide, but a bit like the older OPI brushes, I find them easy to use.

Here's what UNT says about their polishes on Amazon:

Product Features

Color: Tipsy (LJ040)

Nail polish to deliver smooth and uniform finish with high-gloss shine!

Includes vitamin F to fortify and repair nails

Excludes harmful formaldehyde and phthalate esters.


Free shipping worldwide.

LJ040 Tipsy is a very intricate color- it looks like a light grey-taupe in the bottle, on the nails with 2 coats it looks like a pale to mid-tone lilac with a hint of grey, it's got enough grey to look like a light taupe (some compare it to to OPI France collection Ticky my Francey), I dont have that OPI personally but based on online swatches the OPI shade seems a bit more coffee nude (some grey but not as grey as Tipsy or as much Lilac).

Tipsy also has some very faint shimmers which makes it from a potentially "eww" grey color to a very feminine, soft pastel with a twist.


Yellow lights:


Overall 5 out of 5.  I like how interesting this color is and it's refreshing compared to ordinary pinks and pales.

Interesting I dont think guys generally like any colors on girls besides the traditinoal pastels or pinks or reds, my girlfriends love this shade, while most guys just go ummm odd grey.

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