
OPI Strawberried in the Sand swatch/NOTD (NL B01)

OPI “Strawberried in the Sand” (code NL B01) is probably on the brighter end of the pink color spectrum that's almost at the edge of my comfort zone. It is a discontinued color so might be a bit hard to find (but definitely not super rare). On some websites it is described as a ‘shimmery peachy orange’ – and I’ve read various reviews saying it’s a coral. However, on my nails it as at best a pink with the tiniest hint of coral. It is not an opaque color nor a creme, in the bottle it looks like a fluidy, semi transparent glossy pink base with a lot of very very fine pink iridescence/ shimmers that flecks a slightly hotter pink and a very subtle gold. It applies translucent in one coat but almost full color in 3 coats. Overall on the nail it doesn't look good with one translucent coat because the tip of your nailtip will show. (see picture below). One coat is quite sheer: With 2 coats: I find with brighter colors, it's easy for something to look tacky..and OPI somehow does give this color a little bit extra ommph with the unusual glossy base infused with the shimmers. The shimmers are extremely fine, melts into the base color completely, it's not big enough to make the shade a metallic or foil nor is it opaque enough to make the shade a frost. I would definitely characterise this as a pearl or more of a fine iridescence. Here you can see the pearly flash:
Under some angles I suppose I see a bit more coral:
However with 2 or 2 coats, it's a luscious, rich, summery pink, I wouldn't say it's really like a natural strawberry, maybe what you'd imagine artificial strawberry lollies might look like, it's almost slightly flourescent pink (but not that extreme bright). Definitely more a summer bright color.
I have a slight difficult time figuring out whether this pink suits me- my hand is literally 2 or 3 shades darker than rest of my body (went kayaking and the suncreen totally wore off). Here's a comparison of my hand versus my normal skintone on my arm. The color's probably wearable for both those who are pale or those awho are tanned, but definitely for those who can embrace slightly brighter shades. Overall, not my top color pink, but it's rather fun and interesting summery color if you are looking for a change from bright neon pink or fuschias.
What are your other favorite summery pinks?


  1. Do you know what OPI collection this shade was a part of? I have been looking but am not coming up with an answer. Thanks so much.

  2. Hi Beachgal, this was released as part of the "OPI Beach Party" collection
    I can see it on some websites though at pretty hefty prices, e.g. http://www.trimandpolish.co.uk/viewcollection.asp?Product_Collection=BEACH%20PARTY%20COLLECTION&Group_Name=OPI%20NAIL%20POLISH (not affiliated this the site but it shows other shades in the collection i think, hope this helps)

  3. hello blushed....

    I tried to find an email or contact info for you. I wanted permission to use your OPI Strawberried in the sand pics in my ad on ebay? Please state on your blog if you want me to take them off. I will check back often!

    I will post the pics with your blog info on them.
