
DHC Mild Touch Cleansing Oil review

DHC Mild Touch Cleansing Oil really feels more like a cloudy cleansing gel, however it emulsifies just like a cleansing oil on the skin.

It's meant to contain lavender essential oil extracts which is meant to be calming on the skin. I generally like lavender essential oil so thought I'd give this a try.
Comes in a translucent pink plastic bottle with pump.

Contains 150ml. DHC is very similar to Fancl and Orbis in Japan, all started as mail order companies that grew exponentially to become household brands. 
Ingredients etc:

Overall I thought this was a pretty average cleansing oil product. It's very very mild so it almost never removes my mascara completely off. Unlike Fancl cleansing oil and Covermark which I've used. That being said, it is marketed as a mild cleansing oil so maybe I shouldn't complain about the ultra mildness factor.

It does feel gentle on the skin and rinses off easily. However I will not repurchase as I really prefer something that could remove as much makeup as possible.

Overall 3/5. If you only wear a tinted moisturiser or pressed powder, this is suitable for you.

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