丰靡美姬 2008秋冬新粧 (Estimated release date 16th August 2008)
(Apologies for certain product not having English names and color codes, since I sourced most info from Chinese websites and these were not provided).
After Gemma Ward's successful spokeperson role for the past year with the strong theme of 'mature but cute' with great market response, Esprique Precious has replaced her with the new model this year.
The new look features the 'glamourous Cinderella', twisting the old stereotypical princess looks which usually featurs pinks, purples and golds (hello? isn't that Esprique Spring and Summer?).
The 2008 Autumn features grey-toned blue eye looks with rose lips to portray the Cinderella princess with both personality and gracefullness.
Here are some pictures
The look:
I thought it looks like a sudden overly mature transition in huge contrast with the Gemma Ward fresh sort of cute looks from Spring and Summer 2008.
The lipstick (featuring high gloss and moisturising properties, fragrance free):
10 new colors, NT$900 (about $30USD)
丰靡美姬 華麗幻粧水潤唇膏*豐沛的水潤感,如同唇蜜般的光澤,與唇部服貼度極高,濃密又滑順的觸感。*添加特殊新原料「多彩光潤油劑」,能提高潤澤感、光澤感與密著性與持粧度。*在滑順密著油(Smoothing Fit Oil)的作用下,雖是唇膏卻具有液態般滑順的觸感。*「動感偵測粧膜」技術,能經過長時間也能維持剛完粧時的顯色、光澤及豐潤感。 創造飽滿具光澤的唇粧,顯色澄淨且具高度透明感。*服貼度高,能長時間維持剛上粧時的粧感與潤澤。*全新珠光白與鑽石般的外型設計,搭配唇膏頂端光感鑽石切面,讓唇膏也如同配件般,呈現秋冬的華麗感。*無香料。
Eyeshadow Palette-
4 colors, NT1050 (which is about 35USD)
The blue color featured below.
丰靡美姬 華麗幻粧眼彩盒
Featuring the new pearl-creme base texture, which is meant to be high luminosity, I'm thinking whether they actually mean it's a cream-to-powder texture. That will be interesting!
三重漸層色彩搭配珠光纖細光澤 任意創造想要的光澤感同時賦予光感與立體感的多色眼影盤
*新開發「珠光霜狀基質」,可如同眼彩釉般作為眼粧打底使用;也可在眼粧最後,如眼影凍打亮眉骨般,加強眼粧光澤度。*具高度透明感的澄澈顯色,與帶有細緻光澤的三重漸層色彩,能創造具立體感的動人眼粧。*耐汗水、耐皮脂,即使長時間也不易暈染暗沉,能維持剛上粧時的美麗粧感。*全新珠光白與鑽石般的外型設計,讓眼影盤也如同配件般,呈現秋冬的華麗感。*無香料。 Eye color singles (these are not new products, but new color releases).
13 new colors, NT290 (around 14USD)
The eyeshadow duo compact case (empty) will be sold separately for NT290. (can put two eye color singles inside).
丰靡美姬 嬉色眼彩餅
共13色 建議售價各NT.290元〈另售: 丰靡美姬 眼彩餅盒 建議售價NT.290元(可放2個嬉色眼彩餅)〉
Duo eyeliners (5 colors, NT$600, approximately USD20)
丰靡美姬 雙色眼線筆
共5種 建議售價各NT.600元
These really remind me of the new Sofina Aube duo liners, which I bought several of. I quite like duo eyeliners since they are easily portable and fool-proof combinations, great for a uniform eyelook.
Lipgloss, will feature 3 new colors, NT $850 which is about USD28. These are not new products, simply new color releases.
丰靡美姬 絕色唇晶
新3色 建議售價各NT.850元
*具高度光感,鮮豔奪目的08年秋冬流行色,華麗登場。*在充滿彈力與透明感的唇晶成分中,加入大顆亮片及晶 亮珠光。高透明度及閃亮感,讓唇晶的光澤度閃耀升級。*新原料「強化透明度凝膠」的「凝凍粉末凝聚力」,能形成長時間充滿彈力及光澤的水嫩薄膜。*柔和清爽油讓唇晶不黏膩好推展,緊貼唇部不脫粧。*持續保濕,經過長時間也能維持水嫩雙唇。*無香料。
source: iswii.net.
1 comment:
Hmmm I must say I prefer Gemma Ward as the model for Esprique mmore than their new model..
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